Monday 14 September 2015

Blog 4 Cyborgs: humanity and technology had a one night stand

Cyborgs: Humans and technology had a one night stand

                  Retrieved from:

        Facebook in general is the combination of the human desire to communicate with each other and allowing the internet to give us the means to do that at any time day or night, regardless of time zones. Social media tunes itself to our preferences once we have given it enough basic information. In the case of Facebook, the sponsored advertisements on the news feed page pop up the same generic ads from your profile information, personally this is a constant annoyance as it keeps replaying the same adverts that are no longer relevant and this shows the fallibility of the technology, showing it is less of a cyborg than we think it is.

      Social media and the internet as it now is could be defined as a cyborg in that was created by humans using technology but it has adapted or evolved from its original created form, through humans updating it, into the from in which it now currently exists. However, I believe it is post human in the way that social media still relies on human input in order to function. As it currently exists, social media needs human interaction to continue to evolve.


Mcneil, L. (2012). There is no "I" in network: Social networking sites and post-human. Biography, 35(1), pp. 65-82. doi: 10.1353/bio.2012.0009 

Van Luyn, A. (2015). BA1002: Networked Narratives: Intertextuality [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved from

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