Saturday 19 September 2015

Blog Post 6: Advertising Foods on Social Media

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“The food system is shaped by farming communities, corporations, governments, consumers, activists and movements.” (Patel, 2007) Society’s opinions of food are susceptible to change, which can be brought about by any of the above groups. Whilst all the social groups stated do influence the way we see food another large shaping aspect of food is the ways in which the individual perceives the various brands and products on offer to them. Whilst the everyday person is slammed with adverts of food from all sides whether it’s online, TV, radio, etc. The decision to purchase and eat the food being advertised is inevitably in the hands of the individual. However, it is very easy for groups to advertise certain foods that that person is known to enjoy based on their social media accounts.

Companies based around food now advertise themselves on social media sites. They do this in order to take advantage of the free advertisement opportunities and to spread awareness about their products. Attempting to entice people to purchase food ingredients or to dine with them. With the use of social media sites a wide variety of groups can influence a consumer’s decision when purchasing food.  


Newman, A. (2011). Promoting Products Using Social Media - Retrieved 19 September 2015, from

Victory, G., & Victory, G. (2014). How to Promote Products With Social Media: 4 ExamplesSocial Media Examiner. Retrieved 19 September 2015, from

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