Friday 28 August 2015

A picture is worth a thousand words

Thus warm conversation between friends can make the place itself seem warm; by contrast, malicious speech has the power to destroy a place's reputation and thereby its visibility (Tuan, 1991, p. 684-696). The way we talk, the words we choose, the tone we use all contribute to how we are viewed. When conversing with friends, family or strangers face to face we lose control of what people view and what they judge. Online you have a sense of security and safety, the ability to express your feelings via text, emoji, stickers, images, videos and reaction gifs.

Not only are you able to express yourself in more platforms online than offline but you are also given the opportunity to think before you post. The opportunity to think about what you’re expressing before expressing it and to consider how it will affect the people viewing it. On Tumblr this is kind of consideration when posting is called a triggerwarning .

When using written communication there is always the chance that things will be miss read or portrayed wrongly a good example of this is sarcasm. It’s easy to mistake sarcasm for rudeness when poorly expressed thankfully the use of images, emoji’s and gifs etc. help minimize the miss understandings. Another example of miss communication is auto correct with at times the auto correct not being so correct.

In lecture five Dr Victoria Kuttainen (2015) talks about the power to name place and the ownership associated with doing so. The ability to claim via name is often seen more so in offline relationships than online. For example pet names and nick names can be a way of showing how close you are to someone and your relationship to them. In an online setting a relationship is depicted by being placed into a category or list (friends, family, and partner).

In conclusion when it comes to language (verbal, written and body language) I think the online community creates a safe place and space to voice opinions but the offline world can often make people shy and uncomfortable when expressing their feelings.  


Kuttainen, V. (2015). BA1002 Our Space: Networks, Narratives and the Making of Place. Lecture 5: Stories and Places. Retrieved from:

Tuan, Y. F. (1991). Language and the Making of Place: A Narrative-Descriptive Approach. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 81 (4) pp. 684-696. Retrieved from:


Picture worth a thousand words [Image] (2012) Retrieved from


  1. I have to disagree with some of your points. Especially with the concept of trigger warming, the definition you offer is incorrect in many ways, especially when you follow it with talking about sarcasm and misunderstanding of text meaning, creating conflation of meaning. Trigger warnings are not about sarcasm or misunderstandings they are about warning readers about possibly damaging content, such as depictions of violence (sexual or otherwise) and war and many other topics that could cause distress( "Trigger Warning" 2015).
    In fact the inclusion of the concept of trigger warnings does not seem to mesh with the rest of your post, perhaps more explanation was necessary?

    Trigger warning. (n.d.). Retrieved August 30, 2015.


  2. I totally understand where you're coming from and I can see you have a quite clear understanding of miscommunications within the online realms. However, I feel as that by looking too much into the online communications and their importance, we start to forget the importance of face-to-face contact. As looked at in our tutorial week 5 Goldfinch 2015 we talked about by not being able to deconstruct a situation using all five of our senses (Touch, Taste, Feel, See and Smell) we are not able to get a well enough interpretation of the position intended. I am one that believes in a transfer of energy that happens when anything or anyone has an engagement with one another. Unfortunately I feel as technology evolves and so does our dependence for it we will continue to loose one of the most important factors of life on earth and that is the connection with our surroundings, the energy and there value.


    Goldfinch, F. (2015). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narratives, and making of Place, week 5 notes [Tutorial Notes].


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