Thursday 13 August 2015




Greene, J. A., Choudhry, N. K., Kilabuk, E., & Shrank, W. H. (2011). Online social networking  and qualitative evaluation of communication with Facebook. Journal of general internal medicine, 26(3), 287-292.
Individualism is a key concept in maintaining ones
character. We are all unique in the various aspects that is used in defining us
as human beings. As much we are unique from each other, human being are
categorized as social beings (
& Smith, 2013
). There is an essence of communal
based existence where people are united by the many similar aspects within them
that an individual can relate to a particular assembly. Technological
advancement has brought about the introduction of social networking.   For the past decade, it has been witnessed
the establishment of vibrant social network platforms namely, Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn  have
greatly improved social interaction and linking people from a diversified
social, geological and cultural entities. Initially, social networking was used
for personal use but the corporate sector has also embrace it as they have
realized the power behind social networking. Accroding to Kuttainen, Victoria argued that ""Networks is a word that floats around in every aspect of our lives and mentioned that family is also one of the networks that dominates our world. "Kuttainen, V. (2015). However, I have realized that
social networking has a negative effects on certain traits of my life.
 Social interaction using the internet has
resulted to sleep deprivation from continuous and prolonged social online
interaction as I spent great amount of time conversing with other people who
happen to be online. Sleep deprivation result in unproductivity in other
sectors such as work, moreover, reducing the confidence needed for real social
interaction as I become accustomed to virtual people (
Hampton, Goulet, Rainie & Purcell, 2011). In a social
world, separating reality from virtually entities  in most scenarios, they are usually miss
interpreted and many people who use the social networks, they usually implement
the concept of the different entities of real life in virtual cyber life or
vice versa which the results in most cases frequently is catastrophic. There are some practices that if implemented in
real situation can be awkward while in social setting, it is acceptable.
However much social user continue using the many provided social networking
platform, one should be keen in order to identify entities that are acceptable
in virtual world and those acceptable in real life.


Hampton, K., Goulet, L. S., Rainie, L., & Purcell, K. (2011). Social
networking sites and our lives. P.214- P.229

Duggan, M., & Smith, A. (2013). Social media update 2013. Pew
Internet and American Life Project
Kuttainen, V. (2015). BA1002: Our space: Networks narratives and the making of place, Lecture 2.

                  [ Power point slide]. Retrieved from


  1. Social Networking is Healthy in Moderation

    The global phenomenon of online networking has been around since the 1970s, with the emergence of the website ComuServ. Since then, numerous social networking websites have come and gone; classic examples being Myspace and Bebo. More recent social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram have sparked an addiction amongst many populations, which is largely effecting the everyday lives of millions of people worldwide.

    “Online socializing and entertainment is fast turning into an addiction that is creating diverse problems with mental health, physical health and social skills”. (Huntsdale, 2015) When used in moderation, social networking sites can have a positive effect on a person’s social life. However, when accessed on a frequent basis these websites can have a negative impact on a person’s social skills, sometimes causing social awkwardness and social anxiety when placed in situations that require human interaction. Therefore, it is important that social media is used in moderation if it is to have a positive impact on one’s well being.


    Huntsdale, J. (2015). Unliking Facebook - the social media addiction that has you by the throat. ABC Illawarra NSW. Retrieved 13 August 2015, from

    Staff, D., », D., & Staff, D. (2014). The history of social networking. Digital Trends. Retrieved 13 August 2015, from

  2. Social networking could be seen through the same scope that people view alchohol, where people have different tolerances before it starts to impede the person. However, it is more than just an addiciton for people, as the ability of social networking lies in the interactivity it allows, with the only minimum requirements being access to the internet and an understanding of the language of the site you happen to be visiting. The concept of 'virtual people' (Hampton, Goulet, Rainie & Purcell, 2011), can apply to many users of social media, hoever these people do not always remain virtual. An example from my life is my friend Simon, who met his fiance through an online chatboard, and now she is moving to Australia to live with him. Others though do become addicted to social media to debilitating degrees, o as with the alchohol comparison, it is best used in moderation.

    Hampton, K., Goulet, L. S., Rainie, L., & Purcell, K. (2011). Social
    networking sites and our lives. P.214- P.229


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