Friday 21 August 2015

The Reach of Power

As discussed in the Week 4 lecture, maps have the ability to empower or disempower certain groups (Kuttainen 2015), but how does this interlink with the social media websites we know and frequent today?  
Let’s look at Facebook, with its billions of users and connections. When accessing Facebook through the web as opposed to the app, it comes up with this screen: 

This map gives the impression that Facebook connects to and reaches into almost every corner of the world. In a way, this map empowers Facebook as, whilst the statement it makes could or could not be the whole truth, the map presents itself in such a way that it seems accurate enough and therefore leads the viewer to take the idea as truth. This concept of distorting truth to the ‘close enough’ version for reasons of necessity was discussed in the Wood reading (Wood, 2006). 

So how does this relate to power? Well, by merely giving the impression that Facebook is a wholly globally inclusive organisation, it encourages and almost peer pressures those who are considering Facebook to join its global network so they too can reach their internet-savvy hands half way across the world. It empowers Facebook by giving the organisation more users and, ironically, in doing so, it takes one step closer towards the truth it initially presented. 

The power that is given to Facebook through this one simplified map is quite great. The more users there are, the more connections there are and the same goes for the company’s opportunities. Clearly, by presenting an extremely rough map that excites users to join the global network and in turn gaining users, Facebook expands its global platform for marketing and advertising (2015, August 17th), delivering them more of that thing that makes the world go round: money. And as April from my favourite tv show Parks and Recreation says; ‘time is money, money is power, power is pizza, and pizza is knowledge’ (Wittels, H. 2014).  

Facebook Marketing is Maturing and Marketers are Maturing with it. (2015august) Retrived from 

M.J. Retrieved from: 

Kuttainen, V. (2015) BA1002: Our space: Networks, narrative and making of place. Week 4 Lecture Notes. Retrieved from

Wittels, H (Writer), Sackett, M (Director). (2014). Filibuster [Television Series Episode] Amy Poehler (Executive Producer) Parks and Recreation. USA: NBC  

Wood, D., Kaiser, W.L & Abramms, B. (2006). The Multiple Truths of the Mappable World, In         Seeing Through Maps: Many Ways to see the World. (p.p.1-12) Oxford, U.K.: The                               Internationalist.


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