Friday 28 August 2015

Blog 3 : The Narratives, Stories and Place

Image; http:narrativecres4NyJM.05&yyySQTO7KLL4YT1

All types of narratives and all forms of art require either space, or time, or both: for instance, painting uses space, music and oral language use time, and written language use both- the space of its inscription-and time-the time required for its parsing by the mind. Reference to real world location is the most elementary relation between narrative and actual space. This relation is typical of non-fictional texts, such as history and news in the press, but its also found in fictional narratives with a real-world setting. Anderson, K.(1999,107-113).  According to Kuttainen argue that Digital media have made possible new forms of connection between stories and real space. One of these forms is annotated map. Kuttainen, V. (2015).

Andreas in his book mentioned that the web site Memory map offers an opportunity for users to tell their own story through a dire empty non-places. among these non-place is a whole area of new building that the narrator designates as a terra incognita: Ironically, the lack of stories inspired by this area singles it out as a special place! Through their selectivity, the annotation preforms on the photo the same interpretive work that graphic maps accomplish with respect to real space. Andreas, M. (2011, 125-132).

In my conclusion, I would like to sum up the relation between narrative and a sense of place .

Place gives the pleasure of
feeling at home. Narrative gives aesthetic pleasure.

Place is the dwelling of the
ancestors. Narrative preserves the past.

Place is a sense of community.
Narrative creates bonds between people (e.g. bonds between  storyteller and audience,
or bond between the members of a community who adhere to a common myth of

-Place surrounds. Narrative
Anderson, K. (1999). Verbal communication and culture background. P.107-P.113. Harvard University
Andreas, M. (2011). In memory of World of Technologies. P.125-P.132. Madeira, Portugal
Kuttainen, V. (2015). BA1002: Our space: Networks, Narratives and Making of places. Lecture 5: Stories and Place. Retrieved

1 comment:

  1. I like you way you defined the place and narratives as I have struggled to fully comprehend these concepts. Using Stories and Narratives to describe a place, whether in the real world or the virtual world, help people from all different cultures and give them a common method of communication when they are first introduced to one another. It can be used to bring those groups together and using a narrative or story, could be used to introduce them to another place or space.

    Kuttainen, V. (2015). BA1002: Our Space: Networks, Narratives and Making of Places. Lecture 5: Stories and Place. Retrieved from:


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